Latin America is home to some of the most popular and flavorful coffees in the world. Seriously, if you like coffee, you will love our coffees from Central and South America. Brazil and Colombia are arguably the two most popular origins in the world, but who doesn't like a great coffee from the Chiapas region of Mexico or the volcanic soils of Guatemala? From the mountains of Veracruz moving south to the jungles of Peru, coffee has made a comfortable home and indelible mark in the Central and South Americas.
Interestingly, all coffee in Latin America descends from a single coffee cherry tree stolen from the Royal Gardens of Louis XIV in the early 1700's. Convinced that Latin America had the same potential as Java in Indonesia, cunning dutch profiteers began extensively planting the offspring of their single stolen tree which forever changed the international coffee industry. Within 50 years of planting that first coffee plant, the worlds greatest coffee empire, Brazil, was in motion, and coffee had taken root in the neighboring countries of Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Guatemala and the smaller countries of Central America. The coffee varieties took home to the nutritious volcanic soils, and the altitude and moisture made cultivation and production soar.
So...for the love of Latin America, and, most notably, its delicious coffees, we invite you shop and enjoy all these wonderful origins. Discover for yourself at RhoadsRoast Coffees & Importers
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