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RhoadsRoast Coffees & Importers

Brazil Cerrado - Natural 17/18 Screen Fresh 100% Arabica Coffee Beans: 2 lbs. - 10 lbs. options

Brazil Cerrado - Natural 17/18 Screen Fresh 100% Arabica Coffee Beans: 2 lbs. - 10 lbs. options

Regular price CHF 32.00
Regular price Sale price CHF 32.00
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Roast Profile

Remember to store properly. Brew & Enjoy!

Please store properly in an air-tight container, away from light, moisture, extreme temperatures, & oxygen. Once the beans are transferred into an air-tight container, please store in a dark pantry or kitchen cupboard for maximum freshness dating to up to 8 weeks.

  • What a fun coffee to drink! The aroma displays spice and nuts. Great for espresso, lattes, or any cup at any time of day.
  • The flavor brings in a big nutty dimension, tempered by flavors of caramel and chocolate. This coffee is an absolute must to try alone or to blend with some of your other favorites. Great at ANY roast level too!
  • Fresh Roasted Each Morning & Shipped in the Afternoon! The body is smooth and syrupy. Wonderful espresso and flavorful iced or hot!
  • This finish gives a very nice lingering caramel flavor - very good! Excellent body, smooth finish, a remarkable South America cup with great diversity too!
  • Brazil Cerrado Coffee Beans: 100% Arabica and the highest grade of the famous Brazilian beans, lively and inviting with a smooth, sweet taste.

Brazil Cerrado Coffee Beans: the highest grade of the famous Brazilian beans, lively and inviting with a smooth, sweet taste. Beans from the Cerrado region have cupped better than those from the Santos region. Cerrado is a huge region in Brazil, meaning "savanna", or central plateau. Coffee grown in this region is cultivated at an altitude of 200-500 meters above sea level--quite a bit lower than our Strictly Hard Bean (SHB) Central American Coffees. Because Cerrado is a softer bean, some roasters think it shouldn't be roasted overly dark. Other Roasters thinks Cerrado should be roasted dark, but watch out for scorching. Dark roasting brings out an exceptional nutty flavor and enhances the body of the coffee. Our Cerrado is a traditionally natural dry processed coffee. This method creates a complexity of flavors. Brazilian coffees make excellent bases for some very intriguing blends, particularly in espresso. A lot of the very best espresso blends have a Brazilian base. Many of the finest Italian espresso blends are mostly Brazilian coffee. It will add body and sweetness to your blend, and helps form a wonderful crema in your espresso. Since it is a dry processed coffee, it may roast a bit unevenly, but this only adds to the complexity in the cup. It actually makes a fine cup on it's own. Hardness of the Bean: Moderately dense--softer than high grown Central American coffees. Roasting: Start with a Full City to Full City + (Medium to Medium Dark). Because Brazilian coffees tend to be grown at lower elevations than Central American coffees, the bean is not as hard so approach it with a gentler roast profile until you get accustomed to it. This coffee benefits from an extended rest (72+ hours). Recommendation: For people who enjoy coffee with lots of body and low acidity. The lower acidity means virtually no "bite". Again, this is a superb coffee for Italian style espresso, either single origin, or as a majority of a blend.

Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
Jonathan Hamilton
Mild and Pleasant - Brazil Cerrado

For context, I am a diehard lover of the earthy / chocolatey end of the coffee spectrum, and I steadfastly abhor the fruity / flowery stuff. I am a tried and true coffee Philistine. Sorry. Don't have the culture necessary to appreciate drinking stuff that fills my nasal cavities with reminders of the ubiquitous floral arrangement that assaulted my childlike senses at great aunt Hilda's funeral in '92. My favorite coffees so far from Rhoads Roast are Indo-Pacific Java Kayumas and also Peru Approcassi both in a full city roast (feel free to suggest more if they fit my carefully explained preferences above).

That said, Brazil Cerrado was acceptable even to my sensibilities, though not a favorite.

What's it like and who's it for?

In my opinion, as a mild and smooth coffee, this is for the non-hard-core coffee imbiber. Perhaps someone new to coffee, or a young coffee trainee, or your mom who thinks ketchup is spicy, or your pet turtle Frank who you enjoy sharing coffee moments with but don't want to stop his heart.

It is a good coffee for drinking "black" (more of a medium brown, really) or with sugar. It is not a good coffee for mixing lots of flavors or dairy into, because it is such a mild (weak?) coffee that it easily gets lost when you do so. It needs to stand alone, mainly, and it won't slap you in the eye if you talk back to it. It is definitely a Type B personality.

For me, it's ok as an occasional change of pace, but not a daily go-to. I need richer, darker, earthier. But if the milder profile fits you or yours, go forth in delight and social harmony! #uBu

jose ramos
Great coffee

Love the full bold fruitty flavor

Tom Egelhoff
5 stars

I will order this one again soon. One of the best so far!

Helene Tallman
Brazil Light Roast - Mellow and Sweet

Excellent light roast Brazil has a chocolate nutty flavor profile. Prefer this coffee as a French press but also good as a pour over. Pour over flavor notes include fig…really mellow enjoyable coffee. Will order again.

Robert Turton
Smooth and Low Acid

I first tasted this origin while living in SE Asia. Found it in the US at RhoadsRoast and love the med/city roast.

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