Blending coffees for colder or hot brews @RhoadsRoast

Blending coffees for colder or hot brews @RhoadsRoast

Are you looking to elevate your coffee game and create blends that tantalize your taste buds? Learn how to blend coffees for the best taste with these expert tips from RhoadsRoast Coffees.

What is Coffee Blending?

Coffee blending is the process of combining different types of coffee beans to create a unique flavor profile. By blending coffees, you can achieve a balanced and complex taste that enhances the overall coffee experience.

Understanding Flavor Profiles

Before you start blending, it's essential to understand the flavor profiles of different coffee beans. Some beans are naturals and have fruity nuances, while other washed coffees may have chocolatey or nutty undertones. By knowing the characteristics of each bean, you can create a harmonious blend that highlights the best aspects of each. Be sure to know if you want organic, RFA, or conventional coffees. The cupping differences are subtle.

Experiment with Ratios

Experimentation is key when it comes to blending coffees. Try different ratios of beans to find the perfect balance of flavors. Start with a base bean and gradually add in other beans to see how they complement each other. Keep track of your ratios to replicate successful blends in the future. See our blended mélange updates for some ideas.

Many people love espresso coffees, and a simple approach to creating a new, flavorful espresso blend is to make something sweet and full-bodied, and not too over-the-top with character. In this category, coffees from Brazil are typically used as a base and blended with a washed mild from Central America, such as an offering from Guatemala or Honduras. You’re looking to hit flavor notes like caramel, almond, and milk chocolate. The sugary notes will help your espresso pair well with milk for the perfect AM cappuccino or PM latte cupping experiences.

Coffees we like for this blend:

Brazil Cerrado 17/18
Guatemala SHB Huehuetenango EP

Together, these offer a nice chocolate body with just a touch of acidity. This creates a classic espresso profile with lots of body and sweetness.

Regarding ratio, this is where the experimentation begins. We recommend a 60/40 blend: 60% Brazil, 40% Guatemala. However, that’s where you come in! It’s important to try different percentages to figure out what ratio works best for you. Ultimately, the roast levels of coffee beans can significantly impact the flavor profile of your blend. Lighter roasts tend to be crisp, have more acidity and floral notes, while darker roasts are richer, smoother, and more robust. Experiment with different roast levels to find the perfect combination for your taste and flavor, then start to craft an outstanding coffee blend!

Final Thoughts... 

When you work with a new (espresso) blend or recipe, it’s important to do trial roasts and see how they perform. We have always had success with pulling espresso shots and batch brews. Doing this gives you the opportunity to taste the coffee how it’s prepared and you can always adjust the roast profile to dial in the espresso (or other blending) if needed.

Overall, blending is a great opportunity to explore coffees from around the world and create a unique vision for your “perfect” cup profile. When blending coffees, always prioritize quality. Opt for freshly roasted beans from reputable sources to ensure the best possible flavor. High-quality beans will elevate your blend and result in a more satisfying cup of coffee. By following these tips, you can master the art of blending coffees and create a delicious brew that suits your taste preferences. Experiment, taste, and refine your blends until you find the perfect combination that satisfies your coffee cravings.

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