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RhoadsRoast Coffees & Importers

5 lbs. Indo-Pacific Java Estate Kayumas Fresh Unroasted 100% Arabica Coffee Beans

5 lbs. Indo-Pacific Java Estate Kayumas Fresh Unroasted 100% Arabica Coffee Beans

Regular price ¥6,900 JPY
Regular price Sale price ¥6,900 JPY
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Remember to store properly. Brew & Enjoy!

Please store properly in an air-tight container, away from light, moisture, extreme temperatures, & oxygen. Once the beans are transferred into an air-tight container, please store in a dark pantry or kitchen cupboard for maximum freshness dating to up to 8 weeks.

Java produces coffee that is so good that the name is synonymous with coffee itself, but the entire region India to the Pacific produces spectacular varietals wich produces an amazing product. For an exotic taste sensation, this Indo-Pacific Java Estate Kayumas coffee is an absolute must try and a sensational new coffee that is our newest favorite and a serious treat for true coffee aficionados!
  • Cupping Notes: baker's chocolate, syrupy, cedar
  • Roast Body: Mild
  • Roast Level: Medium
  • Single Origin: Curah Tatal and Kayumas, Java
  • Location: East Jave, Indonesia
  • Harvest Period: May-September
  • Milling Process: Washed, Sun Dried
  • Aroma: Sweet vanilla aroma with dark chocolate and brown spice notes
  • Flavor: Rich, intense and balanced flavor with slight earthy.
  • Aftertaste: Sweet lingering and dry aftertaste.
  • Acidity: Sweet mild acidity
  • Body: Smooth medium to full body

Cupping Notes: Baker's Chocolate, Syrupy, Cedar; Score: 85.94

Our Indo-Pacific Java Estate Kayumas coffee originates from smallholder coffee farms in the villages of Curah Tatl and Kayumas in Eastern Java.  This exquisite coffee displays a syrupy and heavy body, with deep notes of baker's chocolate and cedar without the overwhelming earthy undertones present among many Indonesian coffees. The result is a bold, heavy cup up front with a clean, complete lingering finish. Very good delivery, well balanced flavor, slight earthy, smooth body and sweet mild acidity with dark chocolate and brown spice notes

This single origin coffee is excellent and a staff and family favorite! Our coffees are chosen and established with great love and greater yet - consideration of origin, flavor profile and quality. All of these components help us to deliver consistent, exceptional coffee that easily become a favorite go-to coffee.


Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Teresa Carel

All of the coffee beans I purchase from RhoadRoast are of high quality
Never disappointed. Thanks!

Justin Cowell
Awesome Java Coffee

Always great! Have purchased several times and have never been disappointed.

Michael Werling
Pleasantly Surprised...

Out of a couple of dozen global sources for coffee beans that I have tried there are only about five that are keepers, these beans from Java made the grade (for me). Unlike coffee that tastes like a chocolate bar, or various fruits or flowers, these Java beans taste like... coffee! Flavor notes are all well rounded yet subdued with cedar being the most dominant. The aftertaste is very fresh, reminding me of mild mint. Mouth feel is truly smooth with very low acidity. Roasting coffee beans from around the world is a relatively new hobby to me in retirement with a few more continents to test. Happy to add these Indo-Pacific Java Kayumas beans to my very short keepers list.

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