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RhoadsRoast Coffees

2 lbs. Uganda AA West Nile-Erussi RFA Fresh Medium Roast 100% Arabica Coffee Beans

2 lbs. Uganda AA West Nile-Erussi RFA Fresh Medium Roast 100% Arabica Coffee Beans

Regular price $ 774.00 MXN
Regular price Sale price $ 774.00 MXN
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Remember to store properly. Brew & Enjoy!

Please store properly in an air-tight container, away from light, moisture, extreme temperatures, & oxygen. Once the beans are transferred into an air-tight container, please store in a dark pantry or kitchen cupboard for maximum freshness dating to up to 8 weeks.

  • ALTITUDE: 1,250 ‐ 1,500 meters HARVEST: October ‐ January AVAILABILITY: November ‐ March REGION: West Nile, Nebbi District
  • COFFEE PROCESSING: Wet Processing DRYING: Patio Drying CERTIFICATIONS: Rain Forest Alliance
  • EXPORT BAG SIZE: 60kg (132.28 lbs) MAIN PRODUCING REGIONS: Arabica: Mount Elgon (East), West Nile (Northwest) and Rwenzori Mountains (Southwest)
  • In the cup, Uganda’s washed coffees bring satiny body and ripe stone fruit tones, along with a delicate touch of red berry and a buttery finish. The best natural coffees feature a lush dark berry jam flavor and mouthfeel, and clean nougat-like mid tones.
  • Cup notes: Full body, Medium Acidity. Flavor notes: Winey characteristics, Rich Aroma

Coffee accounts for 20 – 30% of Uganda’s foreign exchange earnings each year, and more than 3.5 million families work in coffee-related activities. The bulk of the country’s coffee is produced by smallholder farmers working plots of less than 2.5 hectares. While Uganda is (along with the Democratic Republic of Congo) one of the countries where robusta coffee originated, today it is gaining increasing recognition for the quality of its arabicas. Arabica is grown primarily on the eastern and western borders of the country. In the east, coffee is produced around the Mount Elgon volcano, and the washed coffees produced there are often exported under the Bugisu (or Bugishu) name. In the Rwenzori mountains of Western Uganda, natural processing is the standard method, and the low-grade commercial product resulting from strip picking and high defect counts is known as DRUGAR (dried Uganda Arabica). Historically, neither the drugars nor the washed arabicas fetched very high prices. However, in recent years a great push has been made by growers – particularly in the West – who understood that they had the soil, the elevation, the climate and the genetic stock–to create an outstanding coffee. The results of this new focus on careful harvesting and meticulous processing have been excellent. Growers are beginning to sell their washed arabicas – and their specialty natural process arabicas – for great prices. In the cup, Uganda’s washed coffees bring satiny body and ripe stone fruit tones, along with a delicate touch of red berry and a buttery finish. The best natural coffees feature a lush dark berry jam flavor and mouthfeel, and clean nougat-like mid tones.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Cheryl Loudermilk

Nice flavor but a bit of a bitter finish. Rawanda is my favorite but I have been trying some of the other African coffees. Not impressed with Mawia(?). Going back to Rawanda next time then the Peaberry. Love how fresh it is and the extent of single orgin coffees. Also, the Women's cooperative. Lots going for you.

Donald Bizzaro
Uganda wanna try this coffee!

I've only recently discovered Ugandan coffee. I gave it a try through another supplier a few months ago. And it was amazing. No sooner did I finish the 2 lbs and the supplier ran out of inventory, with no indication of restocking anytime soon. Super disappointed.
Luckily, I found RR. This Uganda bean is one of the best coffees I've ever had.
Very smooth/clean taste up front with a richer cocoa finish. Produces an exceptional crema for espresso and Turkish. The aroma coming out of the grinder fills the kitchen with anticipation for the pour - i'm gonna go make a cup!
Thanks RR - and please keep this one around!

Uganda wanna try this coffee!

I've only recently discovered Ugandan coffee. I gave it a try through another supplier a few months ago. And it was amazing. No sooner did I finish the 2 lbs and the supplier ran out of inventory, with no indication of restocking anytime soon. Super disappointed.
Luckily, I found RR. This Uganda bean is one of the best coffees I've ever had.
Very smooth/clean taste up front with a richer cocoa finish. Produces an exceptional crema for espresso and Turkish. The aroma coming out of the grinder fills the kitchen with anticipation for the pour - i'm gonna go make a cup!
Thanks RR - and please keep this one around!

Uganda wanna try this coffee!

I've only recently discovered Ugandan coffee. I gave it a try through another supplier a few months ago. And it was amazing. No sooner did I finish the 2 lbs and the supplier ran out of inventory, with no indication of restocking anytime soon. Super disappointed.
Luckily, I found RR. This Uganda bean is one of the best coffees I've ever had.
Very smooth/clean taste up front with a richer cocoa finish. Produces an exceptional crema for espresso and Turkish. The aroma coming out of the grinder fills the kitchen with anticipation for the pour - i'm gonna go make a cup!
Thanks RR - and please keep this one around!

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